tisdag 12 februari 2013

Wordfinder and Character Tracer, English Bookcircle

Squeak - Pip
Gagging - Munkavle
Rank - Rangordna
Soothe - Lugna, lindra
Shameful - Skamligt
Harden - Härda
Huff - Vredesutbrott
Cantaloupe - En sorts melon
Plummets - Rasar
Stumble - Snubbla
Wail - Jämra
Lean - Lyta sig
Ripen - Mognar
Sneer - Flina, hånle
Sniggers - Fnittra
Conceited - Egenkär
Rot - Ruttna
Scrub brush - Skurborste
Precipice - Stup, brant

Character tracer
Tej is Liam’s friend. He is very short and smart. He says he is right all the time but he isn’t. He is right alot of the time but not every time. He knows what to do when the car crashes and when they are in the woods. Tej is very well-informed and sometimes egoistic. Sometimes he thinks about his friend Liam, example: when they have almost no food left he gives Liam his food instead of eating it by himself. Tej’s ego can get him into trouble easily, example: he said he knew which way the road were but he actually didn’t so they didn’t find the road when they thought they would, and when they found it they were not where they expected them to be.

tisdag 5 februari 2013

English book circle, week 1


What’s the name of guys in the book?
How did they feel when they didn’t find the road?
Why are they happy when they think about coming to the hotel?
How did they feel when they saw the bear?
What could they have done to prevent getting hungry?